Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh, Happiness:)

#1 Thing that I'm happy about right now is that I finished my Mystery Bag Project! So, here it is! :D
^This was before I glued anything down by the way. Right when I saw the circular lego knew that it was going to be my focal point right away. The colored squares that you see in the middle of the cardboard is a bunch of erasers that I cut up into little pieces. The plastic container in the upper right corner is melted crayons and below it is there wrappers I ripped up. On the lower right corner is an eye glass holder, which I also tore apart. Lastly I folded and cut the pink foam into leaf like shapes.

 ^So this is the final product! As you can see I changed the direction of the erasers and I think it highlighted the focal point better. (Also this was taken with a flash and the picture below it wasn't). I was inspired by elements when I was making this piece. You can probably guess how I pictured the elements, but I'll point them out anyway. The blue area is water, on the whole left side is earth or plants, the giant circle lego surrounded by red, orange and yellow is fire or like the sun, the melted crayons in the upper right corner could be ice or clouds, and below it is the brown area which also could be earth (like sand or dirt).

 oh ya, I just added some numbers and letters to the middle blue section with a blue colored pencil because I honestly forgot about that guideline until now.

#2 Reason why I'm happy is that I just went to Target and got a green lap desk (that matches my bed) that I can use on my bed to draw or do homework because I don't like sitting on the actual desk right next to my bed. And, I also got blue curtains that match parts of my bedspread. My bedroom was remolded a summer or two ago and it went from a twin bed and a pink themed room, to two different shades of purple on the walls, and a leafy and flowery bright lime green (with a little blue an purple) bedspread on a full sized bed. My room finally feels complete. Now I just need to bug my parents to let me design more rooms... :)

#3 Reason why I'm happy is that I'm almost finished with my AP Lang summer book dealio; I have a whole list of books I'm super excited to read next, and lastly I'm eating my favorite cereal for dinner and I think I'm gonna watch Harry Potter sometime soonish. Aren't blogs great? They let you rant about everything you feel like, and people don't even have to read them, but the process of typing all this stuff just makes me happy too. :) :D


  1. LOVE the erasers. Great repetition and radial movement. Nice focal point on the hot spot. Paint unifies the piece nicely.

    I think we should see pictures of your interior decorating.

    Harry Potter is getting great reviews. 100% top critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Incredible.

  2. Thank you so much! :)
    Haha, It might be kinda funny showing everybody by bedroom but I'll try to take some good pics and post them anyway. One of the downfalls on my decorating is that I'm too cluttered- probably too many paintings/posters on the walls, probably too much other random things on my shelves... but oh well, even though I'm pretty organized I hope I'll get more organized with age. :P
    I'm so happy Harry Potter is doing well with the critics and all because it really was that good! I'm probably gonna end up seeing it in theaters 3 times- midnight premiere saw it with neighbor friends, gonna see it with Leslie, and my family. Another movie that I heard got great reviews is Captain America, really excited to see that one soon. Fantasy movies and super hero movies are my favorites.

  3. I am REALLY tired of super hero movies, and even more so, remaking old, crappy horror films. "The Thing"? Come on! That was horrible in the 80's.

    Anyways, when I saw the first picture I was about to freak out and be all, "JENNA! WHAT THE BLAH BLAH BLAH I'M DISAPPOINTED BLAH BLAH BLAH WHY YOU SLACK BLAH BLAH BLAH", but then I scrolled down and saw the final result and calmed down. I love how the colors are all sorted! I like the "rays" of the "sun" a lot.


  4. This is AMAZING! I freaked out at first too thinking the first picture was your finished assignment, but wow this is so good! The colors, the movement, the repetition, I'm impressed:)

  5. Haha! I didn't even think about that at all! heheh, maybe next time I'll post the unfinished and finished in separate posts or something so no one freaks out. ;)
    Thank you both so much for the really super nice compliments, I really appreciate it! :) :D

  6. Wow, your mystery bag is incredible! The way everything looks together and how you executed it is very impressive. Jealous.
