Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pencil Drawings

These are the type of drawings I generally do on a more regular basis. Both of these drawings I drew this summer and stayed up til 3 am making them. I'm very much a night-owl, and whenever I get started drawing, it's very difficult to stop me. ;)
So these two drawings are of Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter in "The Prisoner of Azkaban" movie. I picked a kinda sad scene to draw out (Hermione is crying), and I would explain what happened, but it would kinda be a spoiler, and most people have probably seen the third movie by now, but just in case I won't explain the scene. Besides, I think if people have seen the movie, you'll know what scene I'm showing. 

I'm kinda disappointed how the color didn't show up that well... :P Hermione's face is kinda messed up too; I was looking at a picture while drawing this, and her face was kinda hard to see- but I did the best I could have. I personally like Ron the best in my drawing- it really captures the way his face actually was. I was trying to find the picture I was looking at, but for some reason I've had trouble relocating it- I had to search a good deal to find it in the first place too. 

 Above is the same picture obviously, but I edited it to be a gray scale.
 Lastly, I was inspired by Rihanna's "California King Bed" to draw this piece. The lyrics on the lower right hand side is from her song. I based the position of the girl on the line mentioning "reaching out my finger." The lyrics in the upper left corner is from Christina Perri's song called "Distance." Since both of these songs where involving Distance, it seemed only proper to name the drawing that. As I was drawing the girl I realized her dress reminded me of fairies, more specifically the fairy godmother in "Pinocchio," but I wasn't looking at anything while making this. My only issue with this is her feet, and her shoes that remind me of ballet slippers. It kinda looks like she is standing on her tiptoes like ballerina's would and I wasn't originally going for that, but I guess it's good enough. And finally, I thought I should add that the whole scenery with the stars and sky also represent Distance in a different way. 

And one more thing! Really REALLY close to finishing my shoe project, just need to do some last finishing touches and the background!


  1. First, it's "Rihanna". :P

    Second, your grammar and spelling make me sad.

    Third, RON LOOKS AMAZING! :{D I love the hair!
    I agree, Hermione does look a little weird, I think you made her forehead too big or something...
    Harry looks like he's going to kill someone. xD
    I like how the three are connected and where the picture cuts off.

    The dress on the other one looks pretty!!! You and your awesome dresses!
    Her eyes look slightly crooked though.

  2. Dang you grammar nazi. I fixed Rihanna now. Any other misspellings? haha.
    YAY!!! I'M SUPER HAPPY YOU LIKE WON WON!!! Thank you!(He's all that matters right? haha.)
    Ya, I agree on the forehead thing. The funny thing is that I noticed it before and actually made it smaller... I guess not small enough. :P It's just her whole placement that's weird overall.
    YAY!!! I'm glad you like my dresses!!! :D Thank you again! I had issues with her eyes since she is kinda looking a different way and her face is somewhat tilted to the side.

  3. This was the only other thing that REALLY bothered me:
    "...finishing touch's and the background!"


    You could have commas in various places, but I don't want to go through all that. :P

    "...stars and sky also represent Distance in a different way."
    * "Distance" if you are referring to the song.


    ~ <3 the Grammar Nazi

  4. And yes, Ron is all that matters. ;P

  5. :D :) <3
    I fixed it to "touches." And I wasn't actually trying to refer to the song "Distance," but I see how it could look like I was.
    I didn't realize it til you said so, but HARRY totally does look like he is gonna KILL someone. But he should, in his circumstances anyway (and also because of the 'sad scene'). :P


  7. Okay, I lied, one more thing bothers me, greatly:
    "Rihanna's "California King Bed""
    *Rihanna's, "California King Bed"


  8. Even better,
    *"Rihanna's song, "California King Bed"

  9. >:P I'm to lazy to edit it anymore. I'm just gonna go on to posting my shoes.

  10. You guys crack me up. I like seeing what you do on your own time. Personally I am a big fan of the mostly black an white with limited color.
