Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Two Twelves, Two Nines"

I'm FINALLY finished with my Shoe Project!!! Yay!!! :) I put a bunch of time and detail into this project; It was 1 am when I actually finished it last night. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering I named the piece, "Two Twelves, Two Nines" because my brother and my Dad both wear size 12 shoes, and my Mom and I both wear size 9. So here it is (Left to Right- Brother, Dad, Me, Mom):

I don't have much to say about these shoes. I'm just very happy how they turned out and that I'm done with them. Had a great day today and saw "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in 3D with Leslie. :):D<3 I have a clear idea of my surrealism self-portrait and I'm excited to start it and eventually finish.


  1. Love all the shoes, and the background is funky-cool!

  2. I seriously cannot believe you did this with PAINTS. The details in your dad's shoe are FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC!

  3. DOUBLE THANKS!:):D Yupo, took lots of time and lots of smallish brushes.

  4. Great texture. I love the gray in your brother's shoe, the texture on your Dad's shoe and the shine on your Mom's shoes.
