Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Update

To anyone who cares- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was amazing, so go see it!!! :) :D

I've been working on my Mystery Bag project like a crazy person today. Now that I'm done arranging giant lego's, melting crayons, and cutting up erasers, I actually have to glue everything on! I've noticed that whenever I make abstract art I try to make it secretly look like something. This time I'm going to use all my large pieces to make a nature like theme -- I have foam that kinda looks like leaves, some fabric that will be water, the erasers and ripped up papers could be sand. I'm really excited to see what the end product will be with all the paint and everything finished. I'll post pics as soon as I finish!


  1. Can't wait to go shopping Thursday! I'm still trying to decide between a Ron or Bellatrix shirt!

    Still have no idea when we'll go see the movie in 3-D!


  2. Ya I'm super excited too! Well if it were me, I think you know what shirt I would get. :) are we gonna see it this weekend or next weekend? Just tell me when ya know. :D

  3. I think we are going this weekend. My mom is kind of a last minute planner, so...
