Monday, July 11, 2011

Harry Potter!!!

If you all didn't know, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan girl, so since I'm super duper excited to go the midnight premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2," I decided to make this as a little remembrance of this enormous finale. (Personally I think the texture isn't showing up that well on the computer. I have a Harry Potter Calendar so I got the general picture of Harry from that, but I tried to make it my own a bit...)
 Yes, I will dress up with my Ron Weasley t-shirt, I'll have my crazy Hermione-like hair down; I'll be wearing my key chain golden snitches on either a belt or purse strap; I may have a lightning bolt scar on my forehead too, but oh well- I will be accompanied by one of my friends as Dumbledore, and my brother will be wearing a small Gryffindor robe. Can't wait for the exciting night! 
And I desperately need to start on some art homework... :P

P.S.- Thank you again Leslie for getting me pretty much every piece of Harry Potter merchandise I just mentioned above! :)


  1. Black and white with colored eyes... Where have I seen this before... Leslie???

    Love seeing the personal side of you guys.

  2. haha, ya I liked her idea a lot and I thought it fit well and it was quicker thank doing another pencil shading. :)

  3. Hey, Tim Burton and M. Night Shyamalan use bits of color to point out important pieces in their films.

    And you're welcome Jennana. :P

  4. Oh ya cool! I didn't remember that until you just said that! Now I remember the whole use of red in Shyamalan's movies. What's some color points in Tim Burton? I'm guessing he isn't as obsessed with one color like Night.....

  5. Burton, it depends... Like with "Corpse Bride" he uses blue (butterfly). "Sleepy Hollow" he uses various colors to make certain things pop out. "Sweeney Todd" = RED. :D Burton just uses bits of color to make certain things stand out more-they are not always symbols though like M. Night with "The Village" and "The Sixth Sense".

  6. Jennana, can you actually see both my shoe posts on the post feed thingy?
