Sunday, October 16, 2011


Finished dot project!
I used watercolor for the background. I was thinking about making the spiky dot background just white, but it ended up looking odd and unfinished so I did a multicolor effect by painting it with white watercolor and smearing the other colors in with it. I overall really like it. The colors remind me of Toys 'R Us. haha. It's also really fun to touch the dots, because I used a crazy amount of matte gel and such. (So as long as people don't mess it up, I'm cool with people touching it...)

On another note, this 3 day weekend has been awesome and low key. Went to grandparents, hung around home, saw "Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein" for the first time (pretty funny), and going swimming later today. Been listening to lots of country music- got 3 albums this month! For some reason it seems like my favorites decided to release their albums all around the same time! Super happy. :) 

Anxious for next weekend! The Halloween spirit will be kicking into high gear! Going to Fright Town Haunted Houses with an awesome group of friends! <3 ;) 
Ready to work on my concentration soon too!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Goodness. I am so happy to be done with my 30 mini's... SO HAPPY. I honestly don't love them and I don't know if I hate some of them... I realize that a few if them are unintentionally pretty creepy, so don't be afraid to critic all of that type of stuff... From the combo of drawing myself a twice and huge in drawing 1 last year, and also drawing more of myself for this project, I have come to the conclusion I DO NOT want to draw myself for a REALLY REALLY long time. :D So here's the 30: (Left - Right)

 1. inked little kid me, 2. mosaic/colors of my bedroom, 3. pencil/realistic, 4. charcoal, 5. pen/brown colored pencil eye, 6. 'looking at a mirror and not my hand drawing procedure'
 7. Pablo Picasso, 8. markers, 9. colored pencil, 10. water colors, 11. acrylic harry potter, 12. Vincent Van Gogh
 13. scribbly fine-tip sharpie, 14. finger painted tree, 15. calligraphy, 16. pastel, 17. pink- colored pencil, 18. little cartoon- pencil
 19. stick figure- sharpie and colored pencil, 20. collage- magazine and paint, 21. painted wolf, 22. little circle gel pens, 23. hobbies in cursive, 24. Mona Lisa- Leonardo Da Vinci
 ^Okay, the above 6 above I decide to be lame and go for quick things to finish up.^
25. harry potter trio #3, 26. when I was little tulip contest entree, 27. green on green X, 28. graffiti 'Jen', 29. chibi, 30. friends and I in photo booth dealio

So there they are! Excited to work on my dot project tomorrow. :)