Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hiiii my fellow classmates (and teacher) of the awesome blog world; I will be seeing y'all tomorrow! (I don't know why I enjoy saying "y'all," I'm not southern, it's just fun to say...) Anyway- I FINISHED MY SURREALIST SELF-PORTRAIT!!! WOOHOO! Haha, did anyone procrastinate and finish something as late as me? Yup, it's 11:06 pm, and I just finished... and I had the whole day to work on it, and what did my smart self do- watch TV, go on the computer, and eat food most of the day away. Wow, our lives are going to be less lazy tomorrow... painful... :P Ughhh, it's a little depressing how early 6 am really is... I'm gonna be so dang loopy and tired. Oh well, we'll survive somehow right? So, back on topic (If you couldn't tell, I'm in a very random ranting mood). Ok, so I actually I am completely done with my final summer homework dealio. I would post it right now, but that will just cause me to waste time taking pics and such, besides, I don't know if anyone would actually be seeing it tonight anyway, you'll probably all see it tomorrow. I was thinking about just writing about it, but what the heck, that's just wasting more time. I'll talk about it tomorrow on this blog whenever I decide to get a pic of it and such. So basically, this longish post is kinda pointless, and the only real information that is somewhat necessary to chat about is that I finished my portrait and I literally could have put this long paragraph into one sentence, but I'm oddly enjoying this... Thanks for dealing with me if one of you pupils are actually reading this... see y'all! :) :D <3

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