Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shaded Self Portrait

So here it is! I finally got around to posting it! :)

 (The first one is scanned, the second one is taken from my camera.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Drawing 1 is over :( But Ap is starting! :)

Oh my goodness! One more day we have to survive! :O *gasp!*
Today in Drawing I got some stuff back, and turned some things in. I decided to scan my eye drawing- so here it is:
I have always really loved drawing eyes. Hair and eyes are my favorite features to draw. Since I'm used to realistic things, decided I would change it up and make a surrealist self-portrait. I think it will be pretty fun. Once I take a decent picture of my shaded-self portrait I will post that too. Very happy that it may be able to count as a project in Ap as well!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Sunday without sun

So what have I been doing on this coldish (doesn't feel like summer at all) type of day? 
Drawing of course! :)
Been working on my shaded self-portrait for Drawing 1-- which means I have basically shut myself in my room, while also listening to music non-stop. No matter what art class I take, I always manage to get behind. I'm hoping that will change soon. 
Actually somewhat excited for school tomorrow. Four more days, four more days!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hello World...

So I am finally done editing my official art blog after working on it for about 3 hours. Wow. No exaggeration people. 

I actually was inspired to make a blog a long time ago because I watched the movie "Julie & Julia," but of course that went no where because I didn't have a clear vision of what to write about, and I'm no cook like the movie characters. The fact that we had to do this for school just made it super easy! 

Super excited to get right into my summer art projects, no matter how stressful it may be to get things done perfectly. So happy that the class I have always wanted to take is here. :)